GIS Tools
CAD Converter
The Blair Services CAD Converter allows you to define a precise and complete mapping of ArcMAP features and graphic elements to AutoCAD (or Microstation or any CAD product that can read a DXF or DWG file. Not a simple “DXF Export” tool that operates on a feature class at a time, the CAD Converter allows the user to create an mapping configuration, or “profile,” that may contain dozens of map layers that can be re-used over and again. Also, the CAD Converter can export either data view or map view graphic elements to produce a full re-creation of your ArcMap display.
The CAD Converter does not make use of third-party add-on software (such as FME) so there is no need for extra software licensing cost or administrative issues with coordinating multiple product licenses. CAD Converter installs directly on top of ArcMap with no other software requirements. Though it peacefully co-exists with add-on products or ArcGIS extensions if these are present. And of course, CAD Converter operates effectively in your Schneider Electric ArcFM implementation.
Central to the CAD Converter work flow is the process used to define mappings from ArcMap classes to AutoCAD Layers, Entity Types and Properties. As we know, while ArcMap feature symbolization is defined in map layers – separate from the data storage, AutoCAD symbolization is closely tied to the way entities are stored in the DXF/DWG file. The mapping configuration process allows the user to define a detailed correspondence to, without post-export processing, create an AutoCAD drawing that matches the content, symbology, annotation and graphics present in you ArcMap display. Once a configuration is complete it can be re-used by you or any user in your environment. And, you can create as many configuration profiles as you need.