We work at the intersection of utility networks and geographic information systems. Our focus is to provide customers with a solid foundation for supporting utility GIS applications. Elements of this GIS foundation include a data model designed to meet your business needs and processes to load and maintain the Geodatabase that is built for you based on that model. BSL experience in utility GIS data modeling, migration and maintenance can help ensure the success of your GIS implementation project.
Learn more about Blair ServicesWe are experts at migrating and validating data from existing mapping systems into an ArcFM Geodatabases, and our rates are some of the best in the industry!
Data sources within a utility organization, both GIS and non-GIS data sources, are built in many ways and grow along many paths. We will seamlessly incorporate them into your GIS.
We specialize in Data Modeling, Data Migration Design, and Quality Assurance for GIS projects, which are critical tasks to insure a successful and accurate GIS implementation.
The Blair Services CAD Converter allows you to define a precise and complete mapping of ArcMAP features and graphic elements to AutoCAD (DXF or DWG file compatible).
We created a “Device Connectivity” table from an ArcFM™ Feeder Manager-managed electric distribution network to support a single, isolated business function. In the course of a year’s time we found and implemented multiple applications all taking advantage of the same table. Could have been a little serendipitous, but in our case the initial investment proved quite worthwhile.
Sometimes quality assurance processing can be, shall we say, um… sluggish. We recently had an experience where ArcFM™/Designer QA performance was quite so. This article describes how we diagnosed performance issues and ultimately improved things. A lot.
In a previous post we discussed methods for providing multiple geometries for a given feature. The options described included ArcSchematics, cartographic representations and use of related feature classes. In this post we take on a similar but different topic of creating an additional geometry definition in an existing feature class that is managed entirely by a custom application.
Migrating data from well-known technologies such as AutoCAD, Microstation or Smallworld has established processes and infrastructure. This post addresses aspects and strategies to be applied when the migration source is not so well-known.
Before the Designer Express rollout, we were using CAD Converter to export and import Landbase layers to perform Landbase work within AutoCAD software. Currently CAD Converter is used by our Gas Designers and Landbase group. CAD Converter is “essential” to our Landbase editors. Cynthia Salas, Centerpoint Energy
Centerpoint Energy CAD Converter – Customer Quote
In early 2013 Midcontinent Communications selected the Schneider Electric (SE) Fiber Manager to replace a legacy GIS application for managing their fiber optic network assets that extend over much of north central United States. Particularly important to Midcontinent was the ability for Fiber Manager to support Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and to easily report all circuits present on all strands and all wavelengths for a given fiber cable.
SE provided implementation and training and Blair Services was contracted for data migration. Working closely with the teams from SE and Midcontinent, Blair Services helped decipher the largely undocumented source data structures and align it to Fiber Manager requirements. The result was a full migration of source database features into Fiber Manager with leased circuits tracing as expected within the original project scope and budget.
Midcontinent Communications – Project Summary